Issyk-Kul State University after K.Tynystanov is one of the great Higher Educational Universities in Issyk-Kul. From its establishment ISU considers as one of the intellectual vanguard of Issyk-Kul oblast, the “furriery” of pedagogical and scientific personals.
The history of the University begins from 1940, when in the town Prjevalsk (now Karakol) was opened the two-year “Teacher’s Institute with 150 students”. It was the fourth Higher Institution in Kyrgyzstan (after pedagogical, medical and agricultural institutions).
During World War II Frunze’s Pedagogical Institute moved to Prjevalsk, at the same time Leningrad shipbuilding Institute evacuated. Together with these Institutes arrived well-known scientists of Kyrgyzia and USSR.
In 1944, the Institute was given the name G. Dimitrov. In 1953, on the base of the Teacher’s Institute was opened the Prjevalsk Pedagogical Institute. In 1988, Prjevalsk Pedagogical Institute became the brunch of Kyrgyz State University. In 1992 Karakol, brunch of KSU became an independent (separate) University and was given the name of the founder of philology science in the republic, the enlightenment and public authority Kasym Tynystanov.
Now days, there are two institutes in it: the Institute by correspondence and training teachers, Institutes of Economy and management; 10 faculties as, physical-technical, world languages, Russian philology, history, mathematic and information technology, chemistry and biology, environment and tourism.
40 departments are functioning. Nowadays the amounts of students are more than 40 students.The teacher’s stuff of the University consists of a great amount of highly educated and qualified teachers. Among them, there are 7 doctors of science and 51 candidates.
The main works of the University are to develop the World Web, to increase the international image and to involve foreigners.
Lately, direct two-sided contacts were setup with the German High Institutions (the Eraunhefer Institute), Finland (Rovanem Polytechnical Institute), Belgium (Erasmus higher School), Canada (Lake head University), Mongolia (Orhon University), Turkey (Technical Higher Institution) and etc.
Many teachers had experiences to study on above-mentioned countries. More then 29 foreign students at Issyk-Kul State University.
The University’s grants. Project “Creation of law information centre “ 2003 –und “SOROS KYRGYSSTAN”- $ 13 thousand, ; Fund “Eurasia”- $ 5?5 thousand, “American association” - $ 21 thousand, : project” Creation of low information centre” 2004 Source of financing : Fund “SOROS KYRGYZSTAN” - $ 7 Thousand , Project “Creation of analytical base for impact Ecological monitoring seliteb zone of the lake Issyk Kul” source of financing ISTC ( МНТЦ) International Science Technical Centre- $ 320 thousand Project” Snowy pard (The USA)$11 thousand. Project “Hospitality and tourisms” on program of European Unit Tempus 2003-2006. Source of financing: Tempus - $31 thousand. Project “Regional development of Issykkul oblast” 2003-2005. Source of financing: Tasis; grant on leading seminars on ecotourism 2004. Source of financing (CIAD) Canadian International Agency Development-$640; grant for holding scientific research on using pasture territories of buffer zone of Sarychat – Ertash reserve 2004. Source of financing; Canadian International Agency Development (CIAD)- $ 250. Grant on leading seminars on English language 2003. Source of financing; Peace Corps (The USA )- $ 1400; “Ecological education for highmountainess local associations 2004”. Source of financing; International Trust “Snowy pard (The USA) - $ 1500.”.
Science library General fund – 450354 books and on kinds of edition; educational – 282927, scientific 86095, educational – methodical – 10869, fiction 55327, authorreferats – 200, others – 14965, newspapers – 36 titles, magazines – 58 titles. From august 2004 library entered to International Association of users and elaborators of electronic library and new information technology, to the association “Library – informational concorcium” of Kyrgyz Republic.
Training – material base; The Issykkul state University has the following material base; training corps – 6, Youth – cultural centre “Tolkun”, “Law informational centre”, Touristic informational centre in Karakol, botanical garden, hostels 319 computers, the real number of local nets – 10, the real switching on the net of Internet – 5.
The Issykkul State University named aftewr K. Tynystanov intends to make the serious efforts for widening and developing ties with the colleges from other Institutes of Higher educations and scientific – research Institutes including International Institutes.